If you’re looking to give your kitchen a face lift then read on as the following post details a very simple grout treatment that I think you will agree really refreshed the look of this kitchen in Edinburgh. In fact if you’re thinking of selling your property this quick but effective grout treatment will really make your tiles look a lot more appealing.

Normally to get grout clean we recommend a good scrub with Tile Doctor Pro-Clean however in some cases the staining cannot be removed completely and sometimes the customer simply wants a different grout colour. In either case whether its wall or floor grout the solution is to re-colour the grout with a Grout Colourant which are available in ten popular colours.

Kitchen Wall Tile Before Refresh in Edinburgh Kitchen Wall Tile Before Refresh in Edinburgh

As you can see in the photographs above the Kitchen Wall Grout for this ceramic tiled kitchen in Edinburgh was a grey colour which looked dirty and was not very attractive.

Cleaning and Colouring Grout

The first step before grout colouring is to give the grout a good scrub with Tile Doctor Pro-Clean to get it as clean as possible before applying the colourant. The grout was then wiped and then allowed to dry ready for the colourant to be applied.

Once the grout was ready the colourant was run evenly along the grout line in thin coats so it didn’t run, working the brush backwards and forwards and taking care to minimise the amount of colourant left on the tile. One coat is usually sufficient but you may need to apply a number of coats if the original grout colour was quite dark.

Kitchen Wall Tile After Refresh in Edinburgh Kitchen Wall Tile After Refresh in Edinburgh

I think you will agree from the photographs the white colourant gave the tiles a really fresh feel and gave the impression the tiling was recent. The colourant also adds a barrier over the grout protecting it from staining and making it easier to clean in future.
Source: Refreshing Tile and Grout Service